• 408 4492042 | 408 5099259
  • sales@elgatocarpetc.com
  • customerservice@elgatocarpetc.com

We select the best ingredients for our beer, watch new brewing trends and create the best beer for you.

We create the comfort and convenience of your room. Create for yourself a refined and unique style.

Our mission


Vestibulum arcu nibh, euismod et metus id, hendrerit cursus nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

What we do


Proin consequat urna mi, id placerat mi finibus quis. In non euismod justo, aliquet facilisis nunc. Vivamus auctor libero sem, a bibendum ipsum vestibulum sed.

Our mission


Suspendisse lacus nisl, semper nec blandit vestibulum, luctus at lacus. Aliquam eget lectus in lorem blandit imperdiet. Donec mattis, lacus mollis feugiat venenatis.

Don’t know where to start?

We’ll calculate your project

What we do

Our Specialization

After 2 months you will understand the language and talk with your friends. Our methods are the most effective in the world, tested on thousands of students.


What our clients say

Anastasia Stone

I would like to take this opportunity to say “Thank You”, for excellent service that you have provided to us as well as our clients. Your response to our requests for estimates and for carpet cleaning on short notice has always been excellent. I would also like to thank both you and your staff for the excellent service and quality work you have provided us. I have recommended El Gato Cleaning to many of my clients in the past and will continue to do so in the future. Once again, thank you for the excellent sevice, quality work, and professionalism that you have shown as a service provider.

Patrick James

A big thank-you for your excellent service. I thank El Gato  for the wonderful job they did of cleaning my carpets and upholstery. El Gato did a terrific job & it all looks brand new. It was a pleasure having him in my home. I will highly recommend your company to anyone needing your services.


I would like to compliment the El Gato Team crew on the fantastic job they did with our carpeting. When I walked in Wednesday morning, I was amazed at the transformation. I was never expecting the carpet to come THAT clean. Absolutely incredible. Please convey my appreciation to entire team for a job well done.  


“This company does an incredibly thorough job – I recommend them to all of my clients who purchasing a new home with existing carpet. They are outstanding! I love the positive attitude, professionalism and attention to detail of this company’s employees!”  


“Thank you again for doing such a great job cleaning the carpeting in our restaurant, bar and banquet space – it looks awesome! Trish, the Chief Engineer for our hotel, took notice as well and he asked me to pass your contact information on to him to possibly do work for the hotel side.”


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